Our COMPASS Journey Grants have been distributed but you may still apply and join our WAITLIST!
As grants become available, we’ll contact those on the waitlist ASAP.
The COMPASS Journey is a self-directed adventure in personal finances for senior pastors and associate pastors to improve their personal financial well-being and to empower them to model and teach biblical financial stewardship.
For many pastors, personal finances can be challenging. This program is an opportunity for ministers to tackle those challenges, reduce debt, get serious about saving for retirement, stop living paycheck to paycheck, make important financial decisions (e.g. create a will), and more.
The COMPASS Journey empowers transparent and safe financial conversations between the pastor and spouse, as well as between the pastor and lay leaders. Part of the Journey process also involves stewardship training for the church, helping laity improve their own financial well-being and generosity.
Participant Quotes
It's been an incredible experience! We've enjoyed the challenge of making a plan and getting control over our finances. It's also been a blessing to teach others to manage money well.
- Pastor Joshua
[The Journey] has motivated me to do adult things like creating a will and getting serious about debt pay off. Instead of feeling overwhelmed, I have clear next steps and financial goals ahead.
- Pastor Megan
The knowledge and progress I am making in this program have increased my peace and contentment, as I improve my present financial situation and plan for retirement income.
- Pastor Tina
Biblical Stewardship
The COMPASS Journey is an opportunity for a pastor to implement biblical financial stewardship practices in his or her life, and for the pastor to gain confidence in leading the church in these practices.

The Journey Plan
After being accepted into the COMPASS Journey, the pastor must develop a Journey Plan that includes at least 40 hours of financial and stewardship training for themselves and their congregation. Training materials from the COMPASS Academy are recommended.

The Journey Team
The pastor and spouse (if married) form a Journey Team with two lay leaders for encouragement and accountability. The lay leaders should be people with financial savvy who could offer sound counsel throughout the Journey and provide consistent prayer for and encouragement to the pastor.
Journey Map
A Cooperative Effort
Matching Grants
Ministers who complete the COMPASS Journey program are eligible to receive matching grants of up to $5,000 USD to reduce personal debt and/or to increase retirement savings.

Local Church
The minister’s local church provides a grant for their pastor to assist in paying down personal debt or for increasing retirement savings, upon completion of the COMPASS program.

Using the Ministerial Excellence Fund, COMPASS matches the local church grant, dollar for dollar, up to $5,000 USD, essentially doubling the minister’s financial relief.

Our Goal
Our goal is to reduce the financial strain experienced by a significant number of ministers, thereby freeing them to follow God’s call with fewer financial hindrances.