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1.  Jump Start - "Get a quick win and see progress right away in this crash course."  10 lessons with action steps for each lesson (5 hours)

2.  Financial Peace University - "A biblically based course in basic personal finances."  9 lessons with reflection questions and activities for each lesson (14 hours)

3.  Budgeting that Actually Works - "Deep dive into zero-based budgeting using the EveryDollar app."  9 lessons with application activities using the EveryDollar app. (3 hours) 

4.  The Legacy Journey - "Learn a radical view of biblical wealth and generosity."  6 video lessons (8 hours)

5.  Smart Money Smart Kids - "Teach your kids to make wise financial decisions."  6 lessons with age-specific applications and family activities (9 hours)

6.  Know Yourself, Know Your Money - "Money is personal.  Discover the fears and behaviors that could be holding you back."  7 video lessons (3 hours)

            Click below to learn more and get started.